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Surviving COVID in Pattaya

We're in touch almost daily with business owners and business buyers and sellers. We caught up with Darren Webster in early November 2021. Darren is the Managing Director of I-Rovers Sports Bar, Restaurant & Guesthouse in Pattaya and we asked him a few questions we thought would be relevant to other small business people and potential buyers of bars in Pattaya. We felt his views on business during COVID and his thoughts on business post COVID would be useful to know. We're glad we caught up because his comments are very enlightening.

With so many small businesses, and bars in Pattaya in particular, closing down during COVID, how were you able to make ends meet?

"There are really only two ways of increasing profit in order to allow us to continue trading - increase revenue or decrease expenses. Since increasing revenue was all but impossible, we clearly had to look carefully at our expenses. We have a great team here at I-Rovers and we wanted to maintain that great team, not only for our customers, but also because our staff are like family to us. Many businesses had no choice and early in 2020 simply laid off their staff. We did not do this. We were hurting, but putting them out of work at a time when they needed income the most, was something we just couldn't do. Some staff left of their own volition, and we did not replace them. We had no choice leading into 2021 to reduce salaries in order to share the hurt and keep as many people employed as possible. Because the bar was 100% closed down for a number of months at a time, we had some periods of staff taking leave without pay. We made small gains by not using as much power and water, but in business, many expenses are fixed. Our landlord was kind enough to reduce our rent for a period of time and this helped a lot as rent is one of the largest expenses. We also scaled back on advertising and marketing although we did maintain contact with our existing customers through increased activity via social media.

In terms of increasing revenue, we expanded our in-house meals to be available for take-away and delivery, teamed up with a service provider and this provided for a modest addition to revenue.

I don't believe any business owner thought back in March 2020 how long disruptions to business and global travel restrictions would last. Unfortunately, many business owners underestimated this and continued to remain open until they literally ran out of money and then closed up and handed their keys back to their landlords. I suspect many of these businesses will never reopen. Also, unfortunately, some of these businesses though were not particularly sound financially and didn't have a lot in reserve. I-Rovers is a well-known and well-branded business and this meant that we entered into this economic slump in a sound state."

Looking back, would you have done anything different?

"I don't know if we could have actually! There are a couple of things I think we have all learned or at least had reinforced as a result of this situation. Businesses should be diversified as much as practicable, and for bricks 'n mortar types of businesses like I-Rovers, an ability to also derive several income streams in addition to online revenue is important. I-Rovers offers bar, restaurant, hotel and golfing tour services, so we offer a lot more than just a bar, so I'm comfortable we are reasonably diversified, and this has helped us with our loyal expats and locals.

We entered into take-out and delivery during COVID and orders are typically generated and placed online. In hindsight, knowing how long the pandemic has now lasted, I would have worked at this a bit harder and earlier. I would like to continue this post-COVID and maybe even expand upon it."

What advice would you give people contemplating buying a bar in Pattaya today?

"Well, right now, we are still not allowed to sell alcohol and we have restricted trading hours, so we are not out of this just yet. Probably the first thing that comes to mind though, in terms of advice to people looking to buy bars in Pattaya right now is that you probably won't buy them any cheaper! I know some people think that owning a bar in Pattaya (particularly hostess and go-go bars) would be the dream business. If you buy a bar in Pattaya without any business experience or as a small business owner, without an understanding of the Thai culture and at least a little bit of the Thai language, you might find it very difficult. If you come here thinking you are going to be surrounded by pretty girls all day and just sit around drinking beer and making money, you are almost certainly destined to fail.

I don't profess to know everything about owning a bar in Thailand, but I have built up two bars in Thailand and both have been very successful. I think you need to approach your business as a business, including proper accounting and record keeping, professional staff relations, good working conditions, excellent service and of course operated in accordance with Thai law. Contrary to popular opinion, bars, restaurants and guest houses in Pattaya can be quite profitable and of course living and working in Pattaya is very enjoyable."

How can people find I-Rovers and what should they expect when they drop in for a cold beer and a meal?

"Let's start by saying, before you actually get here - look us up at We have 12 large guest rooms, all renovated, air-conditioned and with en-suites. Please feel free to book to stay with us before you arrive. So, ok, getting back to when you arrive. We are located in the centre of Pattaya in Soi LK Metro, which is a thriving entertainment area in Pattaya. We have the best of both worlds because we are smack bang in the middle, but because we are on the outside corner, we also have a bit of privacy and respite from the mainstream soi activities, which is mainly Hostess and Go-Go bars.

We have a large indoor air-conditioned ground floor saloon and also outdoor under-cover seating on our deck. We have a pool table and darts boards and 21 large-screen TVs showing multiple sports from around the world. We have a large following of golfers and we arrange regular golf outings with transport leaving from the front door. Of course, our restaurant offers all of the favorite Western and Thai meals at very attractive prices. You might like to try our 'Big Baht Buster Breakfast' - it is very popular and is available all day long. Our clientele is a mix of Thai and foreigners from around the world, so there is never any shortage of interesting people to meet, share a beer with or watch sports together. But without doubt, our biggest asset is our staff. Once you have met them, you will want to keep coming back."

Contact I-Rovers

Soi LK Metro, Pattaya

Facebook: I-Rovers Sports Bar & Restaurant

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Posted by Ken
Although originally from Melbourne, Australia, Ken has lived and worked in nearly all major cities in Australia and, since 2005, SE Asia. He has founded, operated and partnered in companies, partnerships and sole trader businesses in three countries. His particular passion is small business and all of his companies today are based in Thailand and are real estate related.

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