Terms and Conditions

Our Agreement with You and Your Agreement with Us


This page details the standard Terms and Conditions for Asia Business Brokers relating to:

These Terms and Conditions are written in plain English. All communication between you and Asia Business Brokers will also be in English. The purpose of this website is to provide those interested in buying and selling businesses, business partnerships, commercial property, franchises and land for commercial use with useful and relevant information and to provide prospective buyers with purchase options offered by Asia Business Brokers. The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to explain to website visitors and registered users of this website what the conditions of use are so that they may obtain the best browsing experience and benefit by understanding xx

asiabusinessbrokers.com is owned by Asia Business Brokers Co., Ltd registered in the Kingdom of Thailand and headquartered in Bangkok. Through-out this page and elsewhere on this Website, Asia Business Brokers Co., Ltd, (asiabusinessbrokers.com, 'us', 'we' and 'our' are all synonymous with and are referred to as Asia Business Brokers or ABB.

If there is any inconsistency between any section of our website and these Terms and Conditions, the provision of the Terms and Conditions shall prevail, and we would appreciate you bringing our attention to the inconsistency so we may be able to rectify it.

We reserve the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time. You should print a copy of these Terms and Conditions for your records (there is a 'print' option near the bottom of this page). You should check back regularly to see if the Terms and Conditions have changed as they will be effective from the next time you access this Website and/or the services and your continued use of this Website and/or the services shall indicate your acceptance of any change. Asia Business Brokers will make every reasonable effort to communicate any changes to you by notification on this Website or by email, however the Terms and Services may be updated by us from time to time without prior notice to you. You should check back regularly to review the current Terms and Conditions so you are aware of any revision to which you are bound.

By using the Asia Business Brokers and/or its services, whether logged-in or note, you agree to these Terms and Conditions; if you do not agree, do not use the site or any Asia Business Brokers service.


The user account you set up when you registered on this Website, or if you had previously xx

Advertising Services (Website Advertising)
We offer paid advertising in this website. Advertising spaces in both the logged-in and non-logged-in areas of this site offer a great opportunity for people to advertise complimentary goods and/or services to the demographic that views this website. Website Advertising is for advertising only. It is NOT related to Listing your business for sale, nor the Standard Listing Plan we offer under contract to promote and sell your business, nor Extra Listing Services. An example of Website Advertising may be seen HERE

  • An individual acting in a commercial capacity, or
  • a company or trading entity who:
  •   is authorized to act on behalf of a third party who is either a Buyer or a Seller, or Lessee or Lessee, or
  •   offers services to a third party who is either a Buyer or a Seller, or Lessee or Lessee.

  • An individual acting in a commercial capacity, or
  • a company or trading entity who:
  •   is authorized to act on behalf of a third party who is either a Buyer or a Seller, or Lessee or Lessee, or
  •   offers services to a third party who is either a Buyer or a Seller, or Lessee or Lessee.

An individual acting in a commercial capacity or the company or trading entity on behalf of which an individual uses the Buyer Services available in the Website.

Buyer Services
The services available on this Website if users are interested in purchasing and/or leasing a business, business partnership, commercial property or franchise, which are are available in the sections of this Website related to 'Listings' and/or 'Buying' and/or 'Leasing'.

Any text, advertisement, image, graphic, sound, video, film, logo, information or other materials

Intellectual Property Rights
Any patent, trade mark, service mark, copyright, moral right, right in a design, know-how and any other intellectual or industrial property rights, anywhere in the world whether or not registered.

Partner Channels
Individuals and/or organizations who have a partnership or branding relationship with ABB for release of media such as, but not limited to, magazines, newspapers, press releases, marketing collateral/handouts, other websites and/or portals and online social media platforms

Personally Unacceptable
Unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another's privacy or in violation of their legal rights, stalking, harassing, degrading, intimidating, hateful towards an individual or group of individuals including on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age or disability

Professionally Unacceptable
  • impersonating any person or entity, including, but not limited to, an employee of a company you are not an employee of or falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity
  • infringing any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party, or content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships
  • affiliate marketing, link referral code, junk mail, spam, phishing, chain letters, pyramid schemes, illegal service or the sale of any items where the sale of which is prohibited or restricted by any applicable law, including without limitation, items, or services which are prohibited or 'regulated' by law without license
An individual acting in a commercial capacity or the company or trading entity on behalf of which an individual uses the Seller Services available in the Website.

Seller Services
The services available on this Website if users are interested in selling and/or leasing a business, business partnership, commercial property or franchise, which are are available in the sections of this Website related to 'Listings' and/or 'Selling' and/or 'Leasing'.

Service Provider Directory (Business Assistance)
A free directory of people and/or companies who offer complimentary goods and/or services to those who have an interest in buying and/or selling businesses.

The internet site at the domain asiabusinessbrokers.com and all its sub-domains.

You or Your
A Buyer, a Seller, an Agent, a Broker or other individuals acting in a commercial capacity who accepts these Terms and Conditions or the company or trading entity on behalf of which an individual accepts these Terms and Conditions.

User Accounts

When you create a User Account with us (register), we grant you non-exclusive and non-transferable rights to the sections of this website according to your level of access and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. The rights (or permissions) we allocate to you are based upon your needs and your adherence to our Terms and Conditions. If we feel the rights we have given you are being misused or not in accordance with our Terms and Conditions, we may alter your rights.

You must be 18 years of age or older to create an account, and you must signify that you have read and understand our Terms and Conditions and you will abide by them. You are required to provide a username and a password. You must ensure your your username and password are kept confidential. You must immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your password or any other breach of security. You are responsible for any activity on your account, so it is your sole responsibility to monitor and control access to and use of your account and password.

Removal of Account (Account Deactivation)
You or we may remove/deactivate your User Account as follows:

You remove/deactivate your Account:

You may do this at any time you decide by selecting the REMOVE option in your  My Profile page.

You will no longer be able to login to this site using your deactivated User Account login.

Any and all active Standard Listing Plans will remain active in accordance with the terms of the Standard Listing Plan. To terminate a Standard Listing Plan, either you or we are to give the other party one months' notice in writing. You can give notice to terminate/cease a Standard Listing Plan by selecting the REMOVE option in your  My Listings page.

Any or all active Extra Listing Services will remain active for as long as the Standard Listing Plan is active, unless you advise us in writing to remove them.

Any or all active Website Advertisements will remain active until they expire, unless you advise us in writing to remove them.

Any or all published Business Assistance Directory Listings will remain active, unless you advise us in writing to remove them.

Any or all active New Franchise Directory Listings will remain active until they expire, unless you advise us in writing to remove them.

Any or all active Broker Services will remain active (where they can be provided without Website access) until they expire in accordance with either the Franchise or Broker Agreement (as applicable).

We remove/deactivate your Account:

We may remove/deactivate your User Account if you do not use this Website or our services in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

You will no longer be able to login to this site using your deactivated User Account login.

Any and all active Standard Listing Plans will remain active in accordance with the terms of the Standard Listing Plan. To terminate a Standard Listing Plan, either you or we are to give the other party one months' notice in writing.

Any or all active Extra Listing Services will remain active for as long as the Standard Listing Plan is active, unless you have advised us in writing to remove them.

Any or all active Website Advertisements may either be left active until they expire, unless you advise us in writing to remove them, or be removed at our discretion.

Any or all active Business Assistance Directory Listings may either be left active, unless you advise us in writing to remove them, or be removed at our discretion.

Any or all active New Franchise Directory Listings may either be left active, unless you advise us in writing to remove them, or be removed at our discretion.

Any or all active Broker Services will either active (where they can be provided without Website access) until they expire in accordance with either the Franchise Agreement or Broker Agreement (as applicable).


When you make an enquiry with us, in person, by phone, by e-mail, by completion of an online form, or by downloading from this site or uploading to this site, we may collect and retain some of the information you give us. The information you give us will only knowingly be kept and used by us (and our partner and broker network - as may be applicable), and to potential Buyers and Sellers who have provided us with a Non-Disclosure Agreement. Your contact details and/or the information you give us will not be given freely or sold to any other parties without your consent.

Contact information provided through an enquiry may be used for distribution of related information via a mailing list administered by us or one of our authorized partners and/or brokers. All e-mail and fax correspondence to you will give you an option to remove yourself from that mailing list and describe how to do so.


All listings in this website are contracted to Asian Business Brokers to sell/lease on behalf of and with the direct consent of their Owners or authorized representatives. Listing information provided to potential Buyers has been reviewed and agreed as accurate by listing owners.

Listings require Owners to contract with us via our Standard Listing Plan. The Standard Listing Plan is:



current until sold, withdrawn or otherwise becomes no longer available

free from any up-front fees/charges unless an Owner wishes to purchase our additional and optional listing services known as Extra Listing Services.

Listing Information

All Listing information provided to potential Buyers has been reviewed and agreed as accurate by listing owners. While we endeavor to supply accurate information on this site regarding Listing information, errors and omissions may occur. Asia Business Brokers, it's Partner Channels and it's Owners do not accept any liability, direct or indirect, for any loss or damage which may directly or indirectly result from any advice, opinion, information, representation or omission whether negligent or otherwise, contained on this site or relating to Listing information. You are solely responsible for the actions you take in reliance on the content on, or accessed, through this site.

There are various levels of access to this website (permissions) which provide users with more or less data and information according to their stated requirements and after certain validations. In order to alter permissions (provide more information, or a user level that allows more information to be displayed in this site), we require you to provide us with additional data so we can qualify you and your requirement.

If you seek and/or are given a user level access to this site (a login), you will be required to digitally (or in writing) agree to:

These Terms and Conditions.

More Listing Information
If information provided to you in this Website (with your current user login) is insufficient for you to evaluate a Listing, you may apply to have your User Role (permissions) reviewed with a view to upgrade. Logged-In users may do this at our Role Review Request page.


The following services are offered in this site:

Standard Listing Plan

Extra Listing Services

Advertising Services (Website Advertising)

Buyer and Lessee Services

Seller and Lessor Services

Service Provider Services (Business Assistance)

Standard Listing Plan
To list for sale and/or lease with Asia Business Brokers, you must first contract with us via our Standard Listing Plan. The Standard Listing Plan is commission-based and has no fees associated with it, unless you decide to purchase Extra Listing Services. The Standard Listing Plan requires you to declare:

Proper Authorization to Sell
You have proper authorization to submit the listing to sell and/or lease from all stakeholders (including, where appropropriate, the Landlord),

Intellectual Property (IP)
You have the Intellectual Property Rights of any content you supply to us to use for advertising purposes,

Validity of Listing Data
If details of your listing change such that any of the details submitted and/or published become inaccurate, false or misleading, you will advise us of the altered details within 5 working days so as we can amend your listing,

Advertising content created by Asia Business Brokers is our property, including any photos we may take. You agree not to use our advertising content or share our advertising content to other brokers and/or agents or other people who may be involved in selling your listing,

You agree not to advertise yourself or authorize others to advertise your listing at a price that is lower than what you have authorized us to advertise at,

You will not divulge to any prospective Buyer the amount or percentage commission agreed, and you understand that responsibility for payment of commission cannot be transferred to a Buyer,

Listing No Longer Available
You will report when the listing is sold, leased, withdrawn or otherwise becomes unavailable within 5 working days of it becoming unavailable,

Payment of Commission
When we are successful in identifying and introducing you to the Buyer of your listing, commission is due within three working days of settlement (final payment), unless you have agreed to extended payment terms or progress payments, in which case, commission is due within three working days of the first payment following the deposit,

In the event, either you or we withdraw, suspend or cancel the listing AND you subsequently sell to a Buyer we identified and introduced to you while the listing was current, commission is due to us at the previously agreed rate within five working days of settlement (final payment),

Termination of Agreement
The Standard Listing Plan remains current without an expiration date. It may be terminated/canceled by either you or us providing the other party with not less than one months' written notification,

In the event, either you or we withdraw, suspend, terminate or cancel the listing AND you subsequently sell to a Buyer we identified and introduced to you while the listing was current, commission is due to us at the previously agreed rate within five working days of settlement (final payment),

Failure to Comply
You understand and agree that failure to comply with these Listing terms and conditions may result in suspension or removal of one or more of the following: your listing/s, your user account, your services, in and at the sole discretion of Asia Business Brokers.

If you comply with these Listing terms and conditions, the Standard Listing Plan is provided to you free of any up-front charge. If you are unwilling or unable to agree to these specific Listing terms and conditions and abide by them, do not use Asia Business Brokers' listing services. If you agree with these listing terms and conditions, but do not comply, a fee may be levied upon you for services rendered and/or lost commission.

Extra Listing Services
Our Standard Listing Plan is our base product which provides very good advertising exposure in order to find you a Buyer and/or Lessee. Some Sellers want better exposure in order to sell and/or to sell quickly. To meet this requirement we offer 'Extra Listing Services'. In addition to advertising we provide free of charge under the Standard Listing Plan, Sellers may also choose to buy (at their discretion), the following Extra Listing Services:

Listing Highlight
Your Listing will be highlighted in YELLOW where-ever it appears in our Listings pages. Typically, this makes the Listing stand out from others that are not highlighted and browsers of the site (most probably looking for a business to buy) are drawn to read your Listing.

Featured Listing
Our home page, which is the most viewed page in our website, displays featured listings and many people who view our website like to read the featured listings before searching in more detail. Purchasing a 'Featured Listing' will place your Listing in this section of our website which increases your exposure and/or chances of selling.

Push to Top
All of our Listings are routinely displayed in date order. The newest Listing is at the front (or on top) of all appropriate listing sections. We offer 'Push to Top' to Sellers so they can re-position their listing to the front or top of the list (in all appropriate sections). This may be done by the Seller as frequently as they wish during the purchase period which means people who are looking for listings, will see their listing first! Importantly, as new listings are added, your listing will move down the list. Similarly, if others use the Push to Top feature, your listing will also be moved down the list, but for long as your Push to Top service is current you just have to login and push to top and your listing returns to the top again and you can do this as often as you wish.

Regular Listing
Applicable only with a Standard Listing Plan, a regular listing is a posted advertisement in a businesses for sale, or other relevant website or portal. We place the advertisement on your behalf, monitor it, alter it (as needed to changed listing information and/or price), respond to enquiries and develop leads as they are received.

Social Media Posts and Shares
Applicable only with a Standard Listing Plan, your listing is posted and/or shared to relevant social media groups, pages, channels. We place the posts on your behalf, monitor them, respond to enquiries and develop leads as they are received.

The media platforms/channels used (like facebook, linkedin, gab, minds, youtube, twitter, etc) are at our discretion based upon your listing type, price, location etc and are available as follows:

30 posts/shares a month

60 posts/shares a month

90 posts/shares a month

Facebook Boost
A Facebook Boost is a Facebook product. Boosted posts in Facebook are more targeted and routinely receive a much high engagement. We place a post on your behalf, boost it, monitor, respond to enquiries and develop leads as they are received.

Extra Listing Services may be purchased at the time a Listing is published, or at any time thereafter while the Listing remains current. These services are available to purchase in 90-consecutive-day blocks only and may be purchased at your xxMyOrders page, when you are logged in and have an active Standard Listing Plan.

Your decision to utilize our Extra Listing Services is entirely at your discretion and Asia Business Brokers offers no guarantees of success using them other than to note that these services generally produce very good results in terms of obtaining more potential Buyer leads.

Advertising Services (Website Advertising)
Advertisements throughout Asia Business Brokers are paid advertisements. They are identifiable by an advertisement number below the advertisement image. Asia Business Brokers does not necessarily endorse or recommend any advertisement in this site nor the content revealed by the hyper-link. Responsibility for the content and the hyper-linked page belongs to the advertiser.

If any advertisements in Asia Business Brokers are considered inappropriate or lead to a 'dead link' or lead to a page that is substantially different to what the advertisement image suggests, there is a report advertisement link next to the advertisement number which may be used to report the advertisement. The decision to leave the advertisement in place or remove it is at the sole discretion of Asia Business Brokers.

Advertisement images in Asia Business Brokers are not to contain any content showing nudity or expressing hatred, violence, racism, obscenities or otherwise distasteful content. Additionally, they are not to be used to advertise competitor websites and/or portals and/or other online websites where advertising businesses for sale is conducted or allowed. If the content of an advertisement hyper-link is found to reveal images and/or content as described above, the advertisement shall be removed by Asia Business Brokers. Misleading links (revealed content that is substantially different to what the advertisement image suggests) and 'dead linked' advertisements may also be removed by and at the absolute discretion of Asia Business Brokers.

Advertisements in Asia Business Brokers are made available for periods of 90 consecutive days at a time. You can check availability of and order an advertisement space by clicking the advertisement number under the image. While advertisement spaces may be ordered ahead of their start date, advertisements will not be displayed until payment has been received. Advertisers can change the advertisement image and/or hyper-link after advertising commences, but changes will be subject to review before becoming active. If an advertisement is removed (either at the advertiser's request or because the advertisement and/or link content is deemed by Asia Business Brokers as not complying with these Website Advertising terms and conditions, there will be no refund or pro-rata refund for any period of 'unused' advertising.

If you require further clarification of our Website Advertising terms and conditions, please contact us.

Buyer and Lessee Services
In addition to specific information published in this website applicable to buying and leasing businesses, business partnerships, commercial property, franchises and land for commercial use, the services of particular relevance to Buyers and Lessees are xx.

Seller and Lessor Services
In addition to specific information published in this website applicable to selling and leasing businesses, business partnerships, commercial property, franchises and land for commercial use, the services of particular relevance to Sellers and Lessors are our Standard Listing Plan and Extra Listing Services.

Service Provider Services (Business Assistance)
The Business Assistance section of our website is a directory listing for business owners to list their business products and/or services. This is a totally free service and anyone with a user account may list in the directory. It is designed to be of assistance to business owners and is broken into six business-related categories:

Accounting & Bookkeeping

Advertising & Marketing

Legal & Compliance

Plant & Equipment

Recruitment & Staffing

Wholesale Supplies

While we do review entries submitted to the Business Assistance section of the website and we do endeavor to ensure their relevance and accuracy, errors and omissions may occur. Asia Business Brokers, it's Partner Channels and it's Owners do not accept any liability, direct or indirect, for any loss or damage which may directly or indirectly result from any advice, opinion, information, representation or omission whether negligent or otherwise, contained on this site or in the Business Assistance section of the website. You are solely responsible for the actions you take in reliance on the content on, or accessed, through this site and in our Business Assistance section.

You are not authorized to upload Content to this directory of listings if you do not have Intellectual Property Rights to all Content you plan to upload.

Free and Special Offers
The section in our website located at our Free and Special Offers page, and any other free or special offers made by us are provided to you because we feel they may help you sell and/or lease, and/or buy. Assisting you to buy and sell businesses is our business so we like to assist you as much as we can by providing you with these offers.

Please avail yourself of these offers, without obligation, if you feel they will assist you.

Payments and Refunds

Asia Business Brokers sells services. With the exception of commission due for selling or leasing your Listing via our Standard Listing Plan, all payments for services are required to be paid prior to the service being provided.


Payments of commission for selling your Listing via our Standard Listing Plan are required within three working days after final payment of the Listing (settlement)

In all cases where you need to pay us, we will provide you with an invoice. The invoice will include any applicable taxes applicable to The Kingdom of Thailand and will be in the currency you have used to place your order. If making payment by bank transfer, your payment is to be made using the invoiced currency for the total invoice amount. If bank or other charges apply to make the payment, you are to pay these charges.


Our blogs are intended to provide relevant and useful information to Buyers and Sellers of, and those interested in buying and selling businesses, business partnerships, commercial property, franchises and land for commercial use.

While we endeavor to present accurate information on this site and in our blogs, errors and omissions may occur. Asia Business Brokers, it's Partner Channels and it's Owners do not accept any liability, direct or indirect, for any loss or damage which may directly or indirectly result from any advice, opinion, information, representation or omission whether negligent or otherwise, contained on this site or in our blogs. You are solely responsible for the actions you take in reliance on the content on, or accessed, through this site and in our blogs.

Comments are enabled for individual blogs for both visitors to the site and logged in registered users. We encourage relevant and courteous comments. We will, at our discretion alone, remove comments we feel are irrelevant or discourteous or are personally unacceptable. The comments sections of Blogs is not to be used for spam messages and/or irrelevant links.


Our downloads are intended to provide useful information to logged-in Buyers and Sellers of, and those interested in buying and selling businesses, business partnerships, commercial property, land for commercial use and franchises.

While we endeavor to supply accurate information on this site and in our downloads, errors and omissions may occur. Asia Business Brokers, it's Partner Channels and it's Owners do not accept any liability, direct or indirect, for any loss or damage which may directly or indirectly result from any advice, opinion, information, representation or omission whether negligent or otherwise, contained on this site or in our downloads. You are solely responsible for the actions you take in reliance on the content on, or accessed, through this site and in our downloads.

Website Links

Links on other websites to our website
If you find a link to our website on other websites, we accept no responsibility or liability arising in the respect of any content, information or transaction on or carried out on that website.

You may link to us and/or make reference to this website in text-only so long as:

  • it is not for the purpose or method of creating an unauthorized association between an organization, business, person, event, goods and/or services, and
  • your link or reference to us, our activities, products and/or services are not portrayed in a false, misleading, derogatory or otherwise objectionable manner.
We reserve the right to withdraw permission to link to this website at any time.

Links on our website to other websites
Links on this website to other websites shall not be deemed to be a recommendation for or endorsement of that website or that website's products and/or services. Links are only provided because we feel they may be of general assistance. Your dealings with other websites are solely at your discretion and between you and those websites.


You are to have Intellectual Property Rights to all content uploaded to this site. Additionally, you are required to take all reasonable precaution to prevent uploading or transmitting (or attempting to upload or transmit) content that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, corrupted files or data, or any other similar software or programs or engage in any other activity that may damage the operation of this website and/or its content and/or other users' computers.


Photos, images, and other content in this website are copyright to Asia Business Brokers or its owners. Use of content in this site without specific written consent is forbidden and subject to legal action.


While we endeavor to ensure the information throughout this site is correct or of our best belief, Asia Business Brokers, our subsidiaries, authorized partners and/or brokers do not warrant the accuracy of data presented or provided.


Failure to comply with our Terms and Conditions may result in suspension or removal of one or more of the following: your listing/s, your user account, your services, your Blog comment/s in and at the sole discretion of Asia Business Brokers.

Your Privacy

Details of our privacy policy may be seen at our Privacy page. By using this website, you consent to us collecting and using your personal data as outlined therein.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments regarding our Terms and Conditions, or wish to report a violation, please do so by emailing us at  info@asiabusinessbrokers.com