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Operating a Pet Cafe in Bangkok

Applicable to greater Bangkok and effective forthwith, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) has announced that, in addition to other legal requirements to operate a cafe (like business registration, food license, music license, alcohol license, tobacco license as the case may be depending upon how you operate and what goods and services you provide) the following is required in order to operate a Pet Cafe:

"Pet cafe's must distinctively separate the dining area and petting area, whereas handwashing stations must be installed before entering the petting area. Customers must take off their shoes, wear a face mask or face shield as well as a gown at all times while they pet the animals. Establishments must close for cleaning and ventilation every 2 hours."

The governor stressed that social distancing measures must also be maintained in pet cafe's, and customers are advised to lower their voices in the petting area to limit the generation of saliva droplets.

"Sick animals must be immediately separated from the others. All animals should be properly cleaned or bathed with proper cleaning products at least once a day. Feeding of animals by customers is prohibited."

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Posted by Ken
Although originally from Melbourne, Australia, Ken has lived and worked in nearly all major cities in Australia and, since 2005, SE Asia. He has founded, operated and partnered in companies, partnerships and sole trader businesses in three countries. His particular passion is small business and all of his companies today are based in Thailand and are real estate related.

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